VDI - Virtual Desktop Infrastructure. The program used to remotely access college software. Apple (Mac): Install an Apple OSX VDI Client? Go to Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac and select Download. You don't need to create an account or sign into AppCenter to download the beta client. If you already have the client, you can check for updates to ensure you have the latest version. In the beta client, select Microsoft Remote Desktop Beta at the top, and then select Check for updates. Open the now installed VMWare Horizon Client app. You can do this by searching for VMWare Horizon Client in Spotlight Search or finding the icon in Launchpad. Select the New Server Plus Sign Icon. Enter view.hvcc.edu. Check the Always connect at launch box then select Connect.

  1. Installing The Vdi Client For Mac Download
  2. Installing The Vdi Client For Mac Os
  3. Installing The Vdi Client For Macbook
  4. Installing The Vdi Client For Mac Free
Installing The Vdi Client For Mac

You can remotely access the virtual workspace from any web browser using your Tufts credentials to login.

Alternatively, you can follow the instructions below to install the VMWare Desktop Client on your personal laptop, desktop or tablet device to access the Tufts Virtual Lab (VDI).

Installing The Vdi Client For MacInstalling the vdi client for mac free


Installing The Vdi Client For Mac

Installing The Vdi Client For Mac Download


Installing The Vdi Client For Mac Os

  1. Navigate to https://vdi.it.tufts.edu and click Install VMWare Horizon Client.
  2. From the list of clients, locate the VMware Horizon Client for Windows, select the appropriate row for your system, then, click the Go to Downloads link on the far right to download the client.
  3. Start the installation.
  4. Once completed, restart your computer and open the VMWare client.
  5. The only customization required for install is the selection of IPv4 as the IP protocol; leave everything else as the default.
  6. Click the plus icon. Input vdi.it.tufts.edu as the server to connect to, then, input your Tufts Username and Tufts Password to sign in. Make sure the Domain says TUFTS.
  7. Open available desktop or application.

Installing The Vdi Client For Macbook


Installing The Vdi Client For Mac Free

  1. Navigate to https://vdi.it.tufts.edu and click Install VMWare Horizon Client.
  2. From the list of clients, locate the VMware Horizon Client for Mac row; then, click the Go to Downloads link on the far right to download the client.
  3. Start the installation
  4. Once completed, locate your new application and open.
  5. Click the plus icon. Input vdi.it.tufts.edu as the server to connect to, then, input your Tufts Username and Tufts Password to sign in. Make sure the Domain says TUFTS
  6. Open available desktop or application.

Android and iOS

Follow this link to download the client on your tablets or mobile devices: https://www.vmware.com/go/viewclients